Date: Feb 21, 2019
Time: 04:00 PM

Calling all Langara staff fashion friends. It's time to clean your closet. Donate your gently used office wear, and swap until you drop. Alumni & Community Engagement is happy to announce that we're holding our annual Langara Employee Clothing Swap event on Thursday, Feb 21. We’re inviting all fashionistas on campus to join us for a fun-filled afternoon of nibblies, beverages, and (of course) action-packed clothes swapping.

Langara Employee Clothing Swap
Thursday, February 21
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Employee Lounge
Light refreshments served

To donate clothes and/or attend, please RSVP by Feb 12.

Please help us spread the word and bring a colleague. If you have any questions contact

Clothing Swap FAQs

What is a clothing swap?Langara Employee Clothing Swap
It’s a type of swap meet. Participants exchange their gently-used, but no longer wanted clothing items, with their peers. It’s a great way to clean out your closet and find treasures.

What kind of items can be donated/swapped?
We’re looking for your gently-used/recently-washed clothes, shoes, purses, briefcases, jewellery, etc. We’re especially interested in office wear as the leftovers will be used to run a student Dress for Success/Working Gear event in March. We're especially looking for men’s clothing (ie. ties, shirts, suits). 

How do I get on the guest list?
It’s simple, after you RSVP drop off your clothing/accessory donations at the Alumni office in B112 by Feb 19, or donate $5 at the door (instead of clothing) to the Swap Fund to be added to our guest list.

Who can participate?
All Langara employees and retirees. Bring your colleagues. Help us spread the word on campus.

How will this clothing swap work?
1.  Let us know you’re coming to the event by RSVP-ing by Tuesday, Feb 12
2.  Bring your swap clothing/accessory donations to Alumni in B112 by Tuesday, Feb 19
3.  Come to the event on Thursday, Feb 21
4.  You will be given a shopping bag upon arrival to fill up with your “finds”
5.  Can’t fit all your “finds” in the one bag? No problem, just get another bag for $5
6.  All swap items are fair game. To keep it civil, the person who picks it up first will have first dibs.

What happens to any leftover clothes/accessories?
Left over clothing/accessories go to the upcoming Co-op & Career Development Centre, Student Dress for Success event on March 12, 2018 or donated to charity.

What happens to all the monies collected?
Any funds raised will go to support student success (i.e. bursaries/scholarships). So not only will you get super swapping deals, your donation/participation will go on to even more amazing things.